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Rejuvenated Website

A low aerial photograph showing wetland at Ulpha Fields at the far end of Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve close to Morecambe Bay

I have rejuvenated my Aerial Artwork business website, with a much greater emphasis on the aerial photography and filmmaking work I have produced over the last three years, which is documented and presented in the portfolio. The thinking is that if you wish to make use of my services it will be because you like what you see, rather than details about my background or equipment or legal regulations.

I would be delighted if you could find the time to have a look. I have tried to keep it simple and so I hope you find it easy to navigate. Please get in touch if you have any observations about it, particularly if you find anything not working correctly. I naturally hope that some of you reading this might even think about getting in touch this year with exciting project ideas that you would like me to work on!