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New Z3 camera

The latest addition to my equipment is DJI’s seriously impressive new Z3 camera, which offers a 3x zoom capability. Whilst that’s nowhere near good enough to spy on people (honest!) it will allow me to zoom in on property when access dictates I have to take off and capture imagery… Read More »New Z3 camera


It is one year since Aerial Artwork was born, and this first year has been such an enjoyable and exciting journey! A big thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me along the way, and to all the clients who have put their trust in me to provide… Read More »FIRST ANNIVERSARY !

Twitter Photograph of the Day

I have recently posted my 100th “photograph of the day” on Twitter. The challenge has been to present a flow of new images that vary in style but repeat in quality. Many of my images are aerial photographs but not all. I now have over 700 followers and it is always… Read More »Twitter Photograph of the Day

Stunning property for sale

It is always very enjoyable to be asked by estate agents to photograph impressive properties in stunning locations. Being able to get a little way above the property it is possible to give a clear and enticing view of both the layout of the property and grounds, and its location… Read More »Stunning property for sale

“Flight” at Brockhole

This is the image of mine that was printed 4 metres by 2 metres and displayed at the entrance to the promenade performance of “Flight” by Geraldine Pilgrim, created as part of the 14-18 NOW celebrations. The audience had to walk over the aerial photograph to get out onto the terrace… Read More »“Flight” at Brockhole


“Flight” promises to be a moving performance taking place at Brockhole from 7th – 10th July. In this video Artistic Director Geraldine Pilgrim explains her ideas for the work. Numbers for each performance are restricted and tickets are supposed to be going fast, so if this of interests, you need… Read More »Flight

Lakeland new-look Windermere flagship store

I loved the challenge of creating this single shot aerial video for Lakeland to advertise their revamped store in Windermere! At the time of writing this has had close to 7000 views on their Facebook page!