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Morecambe Bay

Morecambe Bay Partnership, Birkrigg Bracken Clearance

Morecambe Bay Partnership – Headland to Headspace 2015-2018 – Heritage at Risk – Conservation at Birkrigg Common. Since 2015, Morecambe Bay Partnership has been working with volunteers and local organisations through the Heritage Lottery Funded Headlands to Headspace Landscape Partnership to clear vegetation from three nationally important archaeological sites. Their… Read More »Morecambe Bay Partnership, Birkrigg Bracken Clearance

Heversham Hotel

I took some aerial photographs from above Heversham Hotel (formerly The Blue Bell Inn) earlier this year for the owners, Samuel Smith’s Brewery, while it was being renovated. There is a link on the website to the 360° photograph I created below:  One of the photographs from above the hotel… Read More »Heversham Hotel